Sunday, September 11, 2022 a 1 minute read
Assignment 0 Categories: assignment
Hello, and welcome to my 6.1040 website! This is the website where I will post my design ideas and projects from 6.1040. I’ve had some experience making websites with Jekyll before, so I decided to make this one from scratch using Bootstrap for a nice minimal design. If you’re curious, the GitHub link in the top right will take you directly the source code of this page.
If you have any design ideas or thoughts to share, I’m ckleiman on the forum, and my email is
I’ve been making web apps for nearly as long as I’ve been programming, so I’m excited to focus more on the finer design elements and gain some knowledge around user experience design. The user experience is critical to any piece of software, so I’m looking forward to applying these skills to other software projects I have in other classes and internships.