Thursday, October 6, 2022 a 1 minute read
Assignment 4 Categories: assignment peer-review
This post is a peer review of Lacthu Vu’s Fritter Converge assignment.
I think it might be better broken out into Likes/Retweets/Replies separately because all of these Freet interactions have different behavior, different purposes, and different actions. However, I like the comprehensive approach taken in defining the specific behaviors of each interaction, and I think surfacing these familiar concepts to Fritter users will make the platform easier to use for beginners.
I really like the Circles concept, and I think it could make an innovative new use of Fritter. However, I wonder if it might be overloading the @ symbol in Fritter and if Circles might be better served using a different symbol at the front. Also, many of the actions attached to Circles are somewhat complicated, so it might be helpful to have another CirclePermissions concept that can handle who can post and who can view, separate from the Circle concept.
I think the Perspectives concept is a super cool and unique feature, but I wish it was more clear how a Perspective is synchronized with the Circle concept. Also, for some Perspectives, there may not be a clear “owner,” so the permissions ideas from the Circle concept may not apply well.